Monday, September 17, 2007

Fanaa means.... "Destroyed in Love"

Recently I had been to Cochin for a vacation. On one fine evening, I, my Sister, Brother in Law and grand ma went to Cochin Shipyard. We went for a sail on a motor driven boat. There were around 30 members on the boat.

It was a breezy chill evening. We sat on a upper deck. I and grandma on one side; Sister and Brother-in-Law in opposite side. As we sat, a pretty girl in her twenties sat beside my sister. She had long smooth hairs and eye catching shape. She came with a elder person which I guess is her uncle.

My eyes automatically was turning to have a glance at her. Cool breeze kissed her hairs in a gentle swing. Breeze carried her fragnance to me, I was carried away by her beauty.

I made up my mind that some how I should have a word with her. I was glancing at her at every opportunity I get while speaking with my sister.

My sister whispered "Hmmm...I can see your eyes seeing someone else"?
I said "Hmm...Hey dear please initiate conversation with the girl beside you".

Sister: "Come on".. Don't you have guts to speak to a girl?

Me: "Are yaar" understand...grand ma is also here....
Sister: "Don't worry, she will not mind it...just proceed...
Me: Let me see...
I couldn't start a conversation with the girl as her uncle was right beside her. The girl was watching the other ships passing by..
Sister: You went for shopping DVD's...So what movies you bought?
Me: I got some Hindi movies...Humtum, Parineeta, Fanaa...
Sister: Hmmm...Fanaa... What is the meaning of Fanaa?
Me: I said Fanaaa....means....burnt in.....
As I was saying this, I heard some one speak "Destroyed in ..."
I turned my eyes, and was astonished to see the girl's eyes straight into my eyes! My heart rate jumped to 1000 beats/sec! Then she continued saying....

Fanaa means destroyed in Lovee!
I couldn't believe my ears...I said.."Please say it again"...
She said "Fanaa means Destroyed in Love...Love!"

I was speachless for a couple of seconds..
Then I grasped this opportunity and asked her so you watch Hindi movies?
She said "Ya", I do..
Me: Ok..

Then another straight staright one from her: "What's your name"?!
I said: "Kiran....Kiran Kumar" and asked her "What's your name?"
She said "Soniya"
Then we started having conversation with eachother.... I could see surprised look in face of my sister...

Me: Soniya, so you study in Cochin?
Soniya: No, I am stuying M.B.A in Pune.
I was shocked! I immediately said, I am also from Pune!
Soniya: Oh! So what do you do in Pune?
Me: I am working as a Design Engineer
Me: Where do you study in Pune?
Soniya: Symbiosis....
Me: Oh! I stay a couple of Kms from Symbiosis...
Soniya: Hmm...Is it ?
Our conversation went for around 10 minutes... then the I heard my sister say.. "Anna, Ship journey is over!"...
People started rushing through and so did I...
In matter of few seconds, Soniya vanished somewhere...

I looked around everywhere, but she vanished in the darkness. We didn't exchange our mail ID's nor phone number's because we were totally lost in conversation.
I felt like loosing a crore of rupees. I asked my sister, did you see her?

Sister said "No anna".

That was the end of a unforgettable lovely evening with a beautiful girl!".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol ... :D .. Nice read ...

And btw .. Fanaa means destroyed .. not destroyed in love .. :P .. Tell if you (hopefully) meet her again..