Saturday, July 14, 2007

Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365) not installing

If you have Windows Automatic updates "ON", you may face problem of failed Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365). Automatic Update keeps on popping up that security update need to be installed. To get rid of this problem, follow this procedure:

1. Turn OFF Windows Automatic Update

2. Download .NET Framework 2.0

3. Go to "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Panel and uninstall the following in the same order:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0
  • Microsoft .NET Framework Security Update
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (If present)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
4. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0

5. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

6. Now go to : Start>All Programs> Windows Update

7. Install all the updates that is displayed.

8. Now Windows is fully updated including KB928365 which didn't get installed earlier.

9. Restart Windows at any stage of installation/uninstallation as required.

10. Turn "ON" Windows Automatic Update.



Anonymous said...

I googled for this problem and found your blog. it helped me removing this problem. Thanks Kiran!

Chandra Shekar

Anonymous said...

man not working the way you say ... the installer 1.0 it's missing from xpsp2 ... the f** windows installer was the s** not working ... try and get windows installer 3.... install and you are done

Anonymous said...

Add/Remove programs will not let me remove or repair .NET 2.0. Any other ideas??

Baby Girl said...

This worked like a charm for my home and work computers. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Nice site Buddy..


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this recipe.
It gave me a thought and I tried a modified version of the recipe.
I turned off "automatic updates" completely.
I ran "dotnetfx.exe".
Next, I rebooted.
Then, I downloaded and applied "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0"
Then, I reactivated "automatic updates"

KK said...

Thanks for all the responses. It's my pleasure to inform that I have shifted to my own domain website Henceforth this blog will not be updated.

Kindly comment in
so that I can follow up your valuable feedback.

Thanks & Regards,

Anonymous said...

thank you very much. it worked for me too.

Anonymous said...

What if I don't actually want to install .net?

Is there anyway to prevent this from downloading? I've already removed the .net framework.